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As i am a newbey on the blogging scene and still trying to find my wings, my methods may not be up to par, but i can always handle positive and negative critics if some one can tell me where i still go wrong.
This blog is a little more diverse than BECOME SELF EMPLOYED ON THE INTERNET, in the sense of advertising on the internet which is not as easy as some people try and make it seem.
On this blog i have decided to try and help other newbeys like myself,to get more knowledgable about how to get around on the internet as far as writing articles and building your own blog is concerned.
Blogging is the new way to get your things going, and do not have as much maintainance as a web site for example, so you can get seen and heard in less time than what a full blown web site will take, unless you can buy one, or can afford to pay web designers and/or consultants.
Any criticism welcome, positive or negative, as long as it is not nasty.
I am working on a more comprehensive method to help new comers find their way easier as i have done, and i am not sure by when i will be able to have it published.
I have also added some how to try, and make extra money on the internet as well for people to help make ends meet.
I sincerely hope i will at least be able to help SOMEbody with my endeavers.
Thank you.
H.P.D. van der Schyf.

Monday, 13 January 2014



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Secrets of Masons Review

They are everywhere, from all corners of the world, you probably know someone who belongs in this ancient brotherhood, but even they don't know some of the biggest secrets that only those in the upper echelon possess. Know you too will be able to discover the mysteries that lie behind one of the most controversial and secretive organization ever created. Unravel the secrets of the Freemason.

Many controversies have shrouded the Freemasons over the past decades, mysteries that date back to numerous centuries ago. Movies and books have been created about them and many writers have exhausted thousands of hours poring over ancient documents and listening to testimonies to unearth why Freemasonry have grown so large and how it has become extremely powerful.

Learn these secrets. Discovered from over 25,000 pages of ancient Masonic secrets and 120 rare books on Freemasonry, from the leading Freemason expert, and a Freemason himself, Simon Gray.

In his exclusive revelation, you would discover the numerous forbidden secrets that no one was ever meant to know. A clandestine affair reserved only to those who occupy the top stratum of this olden society which would reveal not only their journals, but also their rituals and the meaning behind their symbols.

In his website, Simon Gray stated, "As a fact, ninety nine of all masons will die, without ever knowing any of these secrets, they will never really know what's going on in the top."

Gray also added, "What I've discovered completely shocked me. Trust me, this is unlike anything you've ever seen before. Masonic Orders have kept this secret for years... just to keep you away from discovering the lies and myths surrounding freemasonry!"

And another fact, what Mr. Gray has revealed in his SecretsofFreemasons, has exposed so much that the Freemasons have already threatened to close down his website. What he has provided is highly controversial and very shocking that most anyone would be amazed that any of these things are happening or have happened already.

Whether you're already a member of the Freemasonry, or a person who have been invited to join the Freemason, you will find that these compilation will be very helpful in understanding this ancient society of brotherhood.

Inside this compilation, you will discover 120+ rare books, manuscripts, texts, and Masonic Journals with over 25,000 pages of never seen before materials and illustrations. Plus, there are 401 Masonic photographs, slides, posters, certificates, handbooks, postcards, speeches and catalogue pages to browse through. Many years have been spent to unravel these documents and images and this is the world's single largest collection of rare & out of print Masonic, freemason, and Rosicrucian and knights templar books ever offered.

In the previous decades, many men have shed blood and suffered their lives because of these secrets and now they are available to you.

Simon Gray has been a Freemason for twenty five years now and have spent the last ten years compiling what could be the greatest collection of Freemason secrets.

Click on any logo for all the details.

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